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Thursday, September 19, 2013


Fall is happening people and I'm quite bummed that I am not experiencing the love and joy of the fall weather like all of you lucky ones in the northern/Midwestern half of the states.  Unfortunately I don't get much of the hoodie weather, campfires, crunching leaves, crisp air that I'm used to, and to be quite honest isn't fair thing about fall that I DO get to experience is the new TV line-up.  Here are some of the shows I'm so ready to watch.

1.) Grey's Anatomy.  Thankfully Stephanie let me know that the season premier is in 10 short days.  If not for her I would have missed this super life-changing premier. Does Webber die? What happens with April?  Who will come back as a ghost (I hope it is little Grey)?!   I even have a texting date with Stephanie to ring in the excitement.

2.)  Parenthood.  This is one of my favorite shows ever.  It is one of the only shows that I want it to go on for way more than an hour.  I always laugh and cry during this show.  I want to be a part of their family every time I watch!  If you haven't watched this show yet, put it on your list asap!

3.) Nashville.  Not only is the music amazing, so are the story lines.  I am falling more and more in love with the two country singing sisters that are on the show.  If you like country music, romantic drama, car crashes and more - tune in.  Heck, even if you don't like those things watch this anyway!

4.) New Girl.  I don't laugh out loud very often, if ever, when watching television...but this show I crack up. I crack up enough to make me ugly laugh - that in itself is a reason to tune into this show.  Plus I'm completely cheering on Jess and Nick.

5.)  White Collar.  Other than loving to look at Matt Bomer, I just like this show.  The story line is great, the chemistry of the cast I love.  If you like the crime like dramas, you would like this show.

This is only 5 of the shows I'm looking forward to, but there are SO MANY MORE good ones that are premiering soon. 

What am I missing, or what should I make sure to schedule on my DVR?


  1. I can't wait for shows to start back up!!!! I love Grey's!! I also love Revenge, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, and Modern Family. Over the summer we started 3 new shows that I cant wait to start back as well: Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars and Scandal. I would recommend starting any of those I mentioned if you haven't already!

  2. Obsessed with basically every one of these shows as well. And Matt Bomer? mmmm so easy on the eyes!

  3. WAIT! A ghost?! Did I miss something? Has this been confirmed?! I heard that Shonda Rhimes wasn't going to do the ghost thing anymore because when Denny came back it got terrible reviews.

    1. okay I just read...someone from grey's past comes back but NO ghosts! Hmmm.


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